Computational neuroscience seminar

When and Where:

Seminar is held both in-person (Prague, Malostranské náměstí 25, room 510) and remotely (Remote meeting link) every Friday at 14:00.


This seminar will focus on familiarizing participants with the latest advances in the field of computational neuroscience. It will be a mixture of invited talks, journal paper reviews and discussion sessions. The seminar is open to all those interested in neuroscience, particularly from the point of view of modelling of the neural systems. All participants are encouraged to present and actively take part in discussions. Order of presenters, as well as seminar topics with be planned during the course of the semester with appropriate time in advance.

Requirements for students to gain credits

To obtain credits, it is required to attend at least 10 seminars, actively participate in the discussion and present one journal article during the course or the semester.

Upcoming talks

Date Presenter Topic Presenter’s affiliation
23.05.24    Remy Cagnol    Foundations of visual form selectivity for neurons in macaque V1 and V2    Charles University


Past talks

Date Presenter Topic Presenter’s affiliation
13.10.23    David Berling    Cortical layer–specific critical dynamics triggering perception    Charles University
20.10.23    Remy Cagnol    Cascaded normalizations for spatial integration in the primary visual cortex of primates    Charles University
27.10.23    Luca Baroni    Bipartite invariance in mouse primary visual cortex    Charles University
03.11.23    Tibor Rózsa    Contextual Modulation of Feedforward Inputs to Primary Visual Cortex    Charles University
10.11.23    Matěj Voldřich    Representations in human primary visual cortex drift over time    Charles University
01.12.23    Jan Antolik    What can 1.8 billion regressions tell us about the pressures shaping high-level visual representation in brains and machines?    Charles University
08.12.23    Luca Baroni    The feature landscape of visual cortex    Charles University
15.12.23    Katarína Studeničová    Robust dynamic community detection with applications to human brain functional networks    Charles University
12.01.24    David Berling    Electrical Compartmentalization in Neurons    Charles University
26.01.24    Jan Antolik    Layerwise complexity-matched learning yields an improved model of cortical area V2    Charles University
02.02.24    Remy Cagnol    The logic of recurrent circuits in the primary visual cortex    Charles University
15.03.24    Tibor Rózsa    Self-organization of modular activity in immature cortical networks    Charles University
22.03.24    David Berling    Integration of cortical population signals for visual perception    Charles University
05.04.24    Mathys Delattre    Beyond Sight: Probing Alignment Between Image Models and Blind V1    Charles University / Sorbonne Université
12.04.24    Katarína Studeničová    Visual evoked feedforward–feedback traveling waves organize neural activity across the cortical hierarchy in mice    Charles University
10.05.24    Jan Antolik    Compact deep neural network models of visual cortex    Charles University
17.05.24    Tanguy Damart    Review on findings on intracortical electrical microstimulation    Charles University


2022-2023 talks

2021-2022 talks