We are always on a lookout for talented and motivated students or junior researchers to join our ranks. If our research caught your interest, and your skills fit the focus of the group, feel free to drop us an email. Include a brief description of why you are interested in joining us, and your CV. Please have a look here at an (incomplete) list of examples of available projects. We also welcome students with their own project ideas, as long as they are aligned with the resarch focus of the group.

Currently, we do not have fully funded positions available , however see for alternative funding schemes below.
Other funding opportunities
PhD funding
- The PhD program of Faculty of Mathematics and Physics of Charles University. Any student that passes the entrance exam can be enrolled in this funded PhD program. A successful candidate can expect an equivalent of gross income of 28000 Czk, which at the time of writing (10.10.2020) is approximatly 1050 euros per month. For more details contact Ján Antolík. Additional funding schemes, such as teaching, mobility grants, or intra-university project grants allow for further increases of the salary.
Post-doctoral fellow funding
Charles University is making yearly calls for visting post-doctoral fellows, that come with 2 year contracts and attractive salary.
Charles University CHARLESTON program provides similar conditions to MSCA post-doc awards for selected applicants in selection process similar to MSCA post-doc.
The Faculty of Mathematics and Physics makes calls for visiting post-doctoral fellows with similar conditions. These calls are irregular, contact me for the current status.
We can help you write a project for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship. As Czech Republic is one of the Widening Countries, there are additional Widening Fellowships available within the MSCA-PF calls, as well as Czech national funding of the applications with high evaluation but no funding. This significantly increase the chance of the application being funded.
Likewise, we can help you write a project for the EMBO Postdoctoral Fellowship. Extra fellowships for Czech Republic also exist withing this funding scheme, further increasing the chances of success.
Finally, we can help you write a grant for the Czech Granting Agency (GACR) Incoming Post-doc grant that funds 2 year post-doc stays at Czech institutions.
Bilateral funding
For students from France: Barrande Funding Scheme
For students from V4: Visegrad Scholarship Program